UConn Connects

Want an opportunity to support other undergraduates with academic skills while gaining transferable skills? You should apply to be a mentor with us in the AAC. After this experience, you can apply for a coach position. Click on the picture to learn more!
Applications are typically due in October and March.
For opportunities outside of First Year Programs, Learning Communities, and the Academic Achievement Center, see below:
To provide Asian and Asian American students in their first year on campus with support and resources to successfully adapt to the academic, co-curricular, personal, and social rigors of college, as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to persist the during the remainder of their college experience.
METAS is a peer mentoring program in which first-year students, whether they be freshmen or transfer students, get paired with current UConn students who assist them with their transition to the University.
The Resident Assistant [RA] position is a student peer educator opportunity which contributes to Residential Life's Mission.
Transfer Connections is a University-wide initiative aimed towards improving the transfer student experience at the University of Connecticut.
We understand that transfer students are not new to college, yet still undergo a transition that comes with its own unique challenges and opportunities. Our goal is to assist you during this process to ensure your needs are met. Click here to learn more!
Community Outreach’s mission is to enrich learning at the University of Connecticut through preparing students to be active global citizens by engaging them in service activities that enhance the quality of life for both others and themselves.
To promote positive and responsible health to the UConn students; respecting people’s individual choices and creating awareness of sexual health issues that include both on and off campus resources. To promote awareness of stress management skills and coping strategies that include both on and off campus resources.
Fostering Academics, Maturity, Independence, Leadership, Empowerment & Excellence (F.A.M.I.L.E.E.) pairs new students with continuing students during their first or transfer year, involving group activities and one-on-one meetings organized by the Rainbow Center.
Click to find out more information about the Honors Program mentoring.
The SSS Peer Coaching program pairs incoming freshmen with upper level SSS students to offer them support and encouragement as they acclimate to the campus and the demands of college life.
TME Mentors are current UConn students from the various majors at the University. They use their own experiences to give you an idea of what it's like to be a student in their program.
The Residential Life Department is always looking for future ResLife Ambassadors to help share different experiences with students and their support systems to order to help with the residential experience at UConn.
The Women in STEM (WiSTEM) Mentoring Program of the Women’s Center is an initiative designed to support underclasswomen pursuing STEM degrees through the mentorship of their upperclasswomen peers.